Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hartside, Whitesykes and Brass Bands

Up to the Hartside on Friday 11th Sept with Mark, Bob, James, Daniel, Ben and Abi. Glorious sunshine so good day for filming. Lots of dramatic cloud too captured by Ben. Just been previewing material. Some good footage to develop some ideas, have edited some of this together in this video here. The footage taken out of the window is really interesting - big landscape that moves slowly - punctutated by fast moving trees, telegraph poles, houses, walls which are closer.

Went to Stanhope Silver Band practice last night with Andy too. Great to see Steve Robson conducting away and to look at the music he was conducting from. Lines and shapes of the music almost looks like the landscape at certain times. Interesting links between what Mark was saying about the landscape being like a patchwork quilt and Steve's conducting stick being like a needle. The lines of the staves being like cotton or lines of the horizon and the objects which punctuate the landscape being like the musical notes on the staves.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of things are happening in threes in the score. There might be something in that for the visuals to respond to.

    Also a section involving a sort-of murmering on the sagbutts and cornetts, as though something is concealed, a bit like things can be hidden in the landscape.

    There are also folkmusic references, but nothing is obvious or particularly sustained. It's more like a series of episodes linked by a slowly moving bass line.
