Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nearly finished

Video is almost there with Ben busy rotascoping final link scenes to make good transitions between drawn footage, Flash animation and live footage. Going to try some mixing together on the old mixing desk now to see how that is going to work.

Here is an earlier version of Ben's rotascoping which he is now adjusting to help it fit with the rest of the film.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Ahoy there Danny here, I'm just trying out my blogging skills really but here is one of my bootiful pictures i've been working on. It was taken at low force if i remember rightly. Anyways your opinions are welcome and appreciated so for now Danny out...

Another fine update!

Behold, rejoice and maybe even clap your hands for the above video!

As the finished video is to be a combined version of both animation and live footage, we thought it best to give the world a sneak peak of just a sampling of the usuable footage we have gathered so far from shooting around the Dales.

It works quite nice by itself, but the hardest challenge will be seeing how well it interwines with the music and the animation.

At the moment it works well, as we can all look back to a few weeks ago and think "wow, remember when it was that sunny?"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Venue & swirling cornets

Here is Wolsingham Parish Church, where the concert and film will be played. I went to have a look at what is going to be the best way of setting the screen and the video projector up. Space is going to be pretty tight with a big band and a screen in there!

Also been playing around with some imagery for the start. Swirling cornet anyone?

Only 22 days to get this finished. Yikes better stop waffling on the blog and get some work done.